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SkyBound's "Invite-Only" Pro Team

With 2017 here, we want to take a few minutes too look back at our 2016 sponsored athletes. We started Team SkyBound last summer and grew our team to 10 talented people! From New York to California, we gathered the athletes we felt would best represent our brand. We present to you our 2016 Team SkyBound Roster.

 Tanner Braungardt, Kansas

Tanner Braungardt Instagram                                     Tanner Braungardt YouTube


Luke Brogan, Virginia

Luke Brogan Instagram                                  Luke Brogan YouTube


Solomon Berg, Massachusetts

Solomon Berg Instagram                                                           Solomon Berg YouTube


Andrew Friedman, California

Andrew Friedman YouTube                                           Andrew Friedman Instagram


Tanner Witt, Florida

Tanners Instagram                                                    Tanners YouTube


Jake Breshears, Kansas

Jake Breshears Instagram                                                   Jake Breshears YouTube


Jake Burke, Kansas

Jakes Instagram                                                                         Jakes YouTube


TrampTr1ck1ng, Minnesota


TrampTr1ck1ng Instagram                                                          TrampTr1ck1ng YouTube


Trick or Treat Trick Shots, New Jersey


Trick_or_Treaters Instagram                                                Trick_or_Treaters YouTube


Cameron Brown, New York

Cameron's Instagram                                                          Cameron's YouTube Channel 



Meet Team SkyBound: Luke Brogan

Meet Luke Brogan. This 18 year old from Virginia is a talented #TeamSkyBound athlete. When he’s not hitting the gym or adventuring outside, you can usually find him on the tramp, sharpening his skills. He trains hard and it shows. Luke is best known for being one of the first few people to quad front on a garden trampoline. He pushes to be better everyday and his dedication to his craft was the number one reason we chose him for Team SkyBound. 

Follow Luke on Instagram or YouTube

Meet Team SkyBound: Solomon Berg

The best of the best. Solomon Berg is a sick athlete. Parkour, tricking, trampolining, Solomon does it all. As a team SkyBound and Karma  Returns athlete, it’s no secret that Solomon is highly sought after. Check out some of videos below and see for yourself:


Meet Team SkyBound: Tanner Witt

Meet Tanner. This athlete from Florida does it all- parkour, flips, and free running. If it involves jumping, flipping, or spinning, Tanner probably does it, and he does it well.

Fearless when it comes to new tricks, Tanner’s willing to try just about anything. Check out some of his videos and see why he was an easy choice in for Team SkyBound.



The images and videos displayed in this website are performed by professional athletes in controlled environments of SkyBound Pro Team.

Do not attempt to duplicate, re-create, or perform the same or similar exercise, flips, or moves without proper, training, preparation, knowledge and supervision, as personal injury to you, your child, or others may result. Use at your own risk.

Contact us for more info!

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