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Trampoline Safety Tips for Kids


Trampolines can be an endless source of family-fun. But, are trampolines dangerous? The answer is that they can be. Due to the nature of this adrenaline-inducing activity, you must take extra precautions to create a safe environment for play and avoid a trampoline accident. After all, nothing is more important than the health and safety of your children. That’s why we have put together a complete guide to trampoline safety. So, if you are considering a backyard trampoline purchase or already own one, keep reading to learn all about how to keep your children safe while they enjoy bouncing the day away. 

How to Create a Safe Trampoline 

Purchasing a safe trampoline is only the foundation for creating a safe environment for your kids to rebound. Once you have the trampoline in your possession, there are several steps you should take to avoid mishaps and ensure your child has a safe experience. Here are the four steps to creating and maintaining a safe jumping environment for your trampoline and children. 

Step 1: Proper Installation 

Once you have the trampoline in your possession, safety starts with how you set up and install it in your yard. Placing the trampoline in a safe environment ensures that if any accidents happen while your children are playing, the risk of injury is as mitigated as possible. Here are the top tips for properly installing a trampoline:

  • Place on Level Ground: Start by finding a spot on the ground level and without too much variation. Trampolines placed on unleveled ground run the risk of tipping over, which could result in a trampoline related injury.

  • Safety Perimeter: Next, ensure that your trampoline is installed away from hazards such as trees, poles, fences, and walls. Ideally, you will want to have a perimeter of about 3 meters from all hazardous objects. This is to avoid injuries in case your younger children jump too high or fall off the trampoline while playing. 

  • Fall Zone: To further reduce the risk of injury should your children fall, create a safe fall zone around the base of your trampoline. So, avoid placing your trampoline on concrete. Instead, opt for absorbing ground materials such as mulch, sand, or even grass. Otherwise, you may choose to purchase safety mats to place around the trampoline base while your children play. 

  • Check Springs & Bolts: After you set up your trampoline, double-check that all the springs and bolts are in their fixed position, securely attached, and tightened. Hanging springs and loose bolts may lead to unnecessary accidents and injuries. 

  • Review Provided Manual: Of course, you will want to refer to the safety and installation manual provided with your trampoline. This will ensure you have all the appropriate information necessary for the specific make and model of the trampoline you have purchased. 


Step 2: Additional Equipment 

In addition to setting up your trampoline in an ideal environment, there are additional materials you should install with your trampoline to create a safe play area. In some cases, these items may be included with your trampoline or available as an add-on option. Otherwise, you may have to purchase them separately. Here are our two recommendations for extra safety equipment: 

  • Safety Pad: While the dense metal springs are a necessary part of your trampoline’s construction, they are an injury risk if your child should fall on them. They can cause cuts, scrapes, pinching, and may even trip kids who walk too close to the edge of the trampoline. To prevent such accidents, add a safety pad to cover the springs, hooks, and frame in a color that contrasts with the trampoline's frame and jumping area. In addition, to prevent injury, the contrasting color can help your kids stay aware of where the trampoline’s edge is while they are having fun. 
  • Safety Net: Installing a safety net around the perimeter of your trampoline is a safety measure with significant results. These high-quality nets not only prevent your child from hitting hard components, like springs or the frame, but can stop them from falling off the trampoline or hitting the ground. When you purchase a net, look for one that is weatherproof as well as UV- and tear-resistant. Then, as you install the net, make sure it does not fall below the safety pad or cover the ground underneath the trampoline as this can make it difficult to see objects that may be under the jumping area, which is also a hazard. 

Step 3: Rules of Use 

How to use a trampoline may seem obvious enough, but there are actually several rules and guidelines that may not be as apparent. However, following these rules will ensure that you teach your children to be safe while having fun. Here is a list of the best practices for safe use of a trampoline: 

  • Wear Appropriate Clothing: Ensure that before jumping, your children are wearing appropriate clothing. This means nothing too baggy and no drawstrings as these items could get caught on the trampoline and cause injury. In addition, you should have your kids remove any jewelry or play accessories and empty their pockets. This further reduces the risk of items getting snagged on something or having things in packets that could cause injury if your kids land on them. 

  • Use the Trampoline Ladder: Instruct your children to use the provided ladder to get on and off the trampoline. Jumping onto the trampoline could result in your child landing on the springs or frame and perhaps bouncing off or missing the trampoline entirely. Similarly, jumping off of the trampoline could end in your child landing on an object, such as a stick or rock, they can’t see. Instead, teach them to calmly use the ladder to prevent injury. In addition, be sure to remove the ladder after you are done using the trampoline to deter your children from getting on when they are not supposed to.

  • Control Your Jumping: Though your children will be excited and enjoying themselves, they should take care not to jump too high. This will prevent them from losing control and possibly missing the trampoline as they land back on the jumping surface. Additionally, teach to jump in the center of the trampoline as opposed to the edges. While safety pads and nets will help prevent some injury, the center of the jumping area is the safest for activity. Help keep your children aware of this by marking the center of the trampoline with colored or reflective tape. 

  • No Tricks: Do not let your children perform tricks on the trampoline, including somersaults, flips, twists, or other acrobatics. While they may be fun and exciting to try, these tricks can be extremely dangerous and result in serious injury to the head and neck. So, it is best to avoid them altogether. 

  • Age 6 and Older: According to Nationwide Insurance, about 15% of trampoline injuries in hospital emergency rooms were for children under age 6. Younger children lack the motor control to safely bounce on a trampoline while remaining aware of where they are in relation to other objects. If you have a youngster who loves to jump, opt for a mini trampoline instead, which incorporates more safety measures in its design. 

  • One Person at a Time: As fun as jumping on the trampoline together sounds, it can be dangerous. If one person loses control, they can knock into or trip the other. To avoid accidents, limit your trampoline to one person at a time. 

  • Require Supervision: Last, but certainly not least, instruct your children that using the trampoline requires adult supervision. This will not only give you the opportunity to enforce safety rules but allow you to respond quickly if any accidents or injuries occur. 

  • Step 4: Maintenance 

    Finally, trampoline safety is a continuous process that requires attention to regular maintenance. To ensure your trampoline is one of the safest trampolines for kids, be sure to evaluate the following items: 

    • Check the Surface: Start by checking the surface of the trampoline. The jumping area should be free from any objects or debris and have no moisture or snow on the surface. If it has recently rained or snow, you should wait at least 24 hours to ensure the surface has completely dried. Otherwise, it could be slippery as well as weaken the integrity of the materials. 

    • Check the Safety Net: Before each use, you should also check the safety net for any tears or other signs of wear. Pay particular attention to where the net is attached to the trampoline as this is an area of stress for the net. 

    • Check Springs & Bolts: Lastly, be sure to check all the springs and bolts of your trampoline. This will become especially important the longer you have, and the more your use your trampoline as the springs may become stretched or corroded. In some cases, you may need to replace springs to achieve a quality and appropriate fix. 

    So, are there any safe trampolines? We’d say, of course, there are! However, they are only as safe as you are while using them. Just follow these guidelines to ensure you and your children safely enjoy your trampoline. At SkyBound, we have some of the safest trampolines for sale and best accessories to keep your little ones safe. Visit our website today for more information!

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