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What is Rebounding Exercise?

 We would all love to have bodies that are born and remain in mint condition forever. The reality is that bodies age. While it might be strong and sturdy in your prime years, eventually you face decline.

Despite the effects of nature, there are many ways to help keep your body in optimum condition. Eating well, sleeping well, avoiding stress and tension, and of course, exercising can delay the onslaught of old age for quite some time.

Ever heard the cliche, “Move it or lose it?” Truer words have never been spoken! The more you use your body, the stronger it becomes, and consequently, the longer it may last. 

The four major types of exercise include strength training, balance training, flexibility training, and endurance training. 

What is Rebounding Exercise?

Rebounding is an aerobic exercise that helps increase both your endurance and strength. Considered a low-impact exercise, it works using your body weight and creating elastic leverage with the help of a rebounder. 

A rebounder trampoline, also known as a fitness trampoline or mini trampoline, is a fitness device very similar in design to regular trampolines, but smaller and more appropriate for exercise. Rebounders in particular have a firm mat to allow a better bounce and may even give better results than a mini trampoline. They are typically high quality, safe, and portable. 

Rebounding works by jumping on a rebounder, at a speed chosen by you. You can also incorporate rebounding with rest periods or aerobic stepping to pace yourself and do a well-rounded circuit. 

There are so many health benefits of jumping on a trampoline. When you jump on a trampoline, it engages many parts of the body at once. You use the muscles of your legs, back, buttocks, and abdominal core, and you also stimulate your lymphatic system. This makes it a wonderful full-body workout. 

Is Rebounding Good Exercise?

Rebounding has a long list of benefits and serves as a low-impact fitness option for people of all ages and sizes. Benefits include: 

  • Lymphatic System Boost (Detoxification)—the lymphatic system is a complex network of organs, tissues, and vessels, designed to drain toxins, waste, viruses, and other unwanted materials from the body. It collects excess particulates and fluids and moves what’s collected back into the bloodstream to help maintain fluid levels and basically works like a drainage system. This drainage depends on your movements and gravity to work properly. When you engage in trampoline exercise or bounce on a rebounder, the body creates a vacuum of sorts, putting the lymphatic system into overdrive and ridding your body of excess lymphatic fluid.

  • Lymphatic System Boost (Decreased Cellulite)—similarly, the lymphatic system is also responsible for stagnant lymph systems. Basically, fat collects in the form of cellulite, largely due to a lack of movement and maldistribution of body fluids. When you bounce, the lymphatic flow increases and helps to decrease and disperse both hereditary and non-hereditary cellulite. 

  • Building Bone and Muscle Mass—rebounding puts minimal pressure on the bones and joints. In fact, it actually strengthens the skeletal system over time. It increases the amount of G-force on the body, which promotes building muscle mass and improves both bone density and bone mass. 

  • Improving Posture and Balance—another key benefit of rebounding is the way it engages your core muscles. This, coupled with increased muscle mass in properly developed muscles, results in better posture. It also increases your balance, coordination, and overall motor skills, especially after long-term rebounding. Rebounding is also shown to reduce lumbar back pain!

  • Decreased Cholesterol and Improved Blood Sugar—interestingly, rebounding helps to limit the amount of cholesterol in your body and has a positive impact on blood sugar levels.

  • Weight Loss—since rebounding is a cardiovascular exercise, it is an excellent tool in helping you lose weight. Bouncing speeds up the heart rate and increases metabolism, resulting in a higher caloric burn. For some great mini trampoline exercises, head over to our guide!

  • Low Impact—as mentioned, rebounding is very low-impact, much more so than running. This helps protect your ankles and knees from shock and possible injury. It’s especially ideal for the elderly, or people with joint injuries and bone weakening conditions. Just make sure your rebounder has a safety balance bar.

  • Improved Blood Flow—the bouncing motion increases your heart rate, speeding up your blood flow. This increase in blood flow has a positive effect on every part of your body, including your skin and hair. It also encourages and improves cell repair processes, allowing your body to recover faster.

  • Increased Collagen Production—if all of the above still isn’t enough for you to “jump aboard,” rebounding even for just small amounts of time regularly helps boost collagen production. It also decreases the production of cortisol which helps minimize collagen loss. 
  • Boosts Mood and Relieves Stress—there are numerous studies that link physical exercises to the release of happy chemicals in the brain. This relieves stress and boosts your mood, in addition to calming the nervous system and flushing cortisol from the body. Plus, bouncing is an extremely fun activity. You just can’t be sad while doing it! 

Tips for Rebounding

Now that you know rebounding is good for you, keep in mind there are no hard and fast rules when it comes to how much time you spend doing it. 

  • Age, weight, and any underlying health conditions should always be factored in. 
  • Generally, 10 minutes is a safe time limit, especially for beginners. 
  • Choose your rebounder based on your height and weight to prevent damage to the rebounder and yourself.
  • Before starting any new exercise routine, consult with your doctor.

Rebounding exercise is a fun and easy way to incorporate more movement into your day and support your health and fitness, without causing undue damage to your joints. Doing a rebounding workout improves bone mass, muscle mass, lymphatic drainage, and weight loss, and it's a great cardio exercise for your entire body. You’d really be hard-pressed to find any downside! So, what are you waiting for? Check out all the best rebounders and mini trampolines from SkyBound USA.

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